Re-thinking health and wellbeing in Hokonui
Working together for a healthier community
The establishment of the Hokonui Locality embeds a stronger focus on meeting the needs of our community and whānau.
This means priorities being set by locals for locals, and the provision of a range of care services that collaborate to improve health and happiness in our region.
It also sees us focus on wellbeing and prevention. Because to achieve health and happiness, we need to nurture not only our physical health, but also our mental, spiritual and social health.
Thanks for having your say
Creating a healthcare system that meets the needs of our local whānau and community starts with you.
We asked you to tell us what you need to achieve health and happiness, so we can plan and deliver the right services, in the right way.
There was an outstanding response from the community, with over 1,000 submissions received. These have informed the development and delivery of our Locality priorities.